BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 System Requirements | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

Configuring the MaximumCacheSize setting

The AutoManager EDM Server service caches each vault’s database in memory to optimize performance. The more memory that is available, the more data (up to the entire database) can be cached and the better the performance will be. The default setting of 750 MB is only an example. For optimal performance of Hypertrieve vaults, the database cache size should equal the database file size. At least 20 MB will be used in all cases.

The MaximumCacheSize setting is used by the system to determine the maximum amount of server lower memory (in MB) that should be used for the database cache. It ensures that the vault's cache size does not grow so large that it consumes memory that is needed for user sessions and the operating system, which could result in Out of memory errors.

If a single vault is used, the general recommendation is to set MaximumCacheSize to the size of the vault database file or the maximum available application memory on the server (by default, 2 GB unless the /3GB switch is enabled), whichever is smaller. If multiple vaults are used, the available server memory should be divided between the caches of all vaults according to their database file size. This setting should be adjusted upward for the expected annual vault growth, if memory is available. In all cases, however, the total size of all vault caches should leave sufficient memory available for user session data. For more information about user session data, see Understanding the effects of virtual memory.

If the amount of installed RAM on the server cannot accommodate optimum cache sizes for all vaults, we recommend installing additional memory in the server computer. If the computer has already been configured with its maximum amount of memory, we recommend that you consider the recommendations described in Optimizing the server operating system. and Optimizing the TeamWork server software.

This setting works together with the RelativeCacheSize setting. The system will use whichever setting results in a smaller cache size. For example, specified 1 GB of RAM available for caching and a 750 MB database file size, setting MaximumCacheSize to 1000 (MB) and RelativeCacheSize to 100 (percent) will initially result in the entire database being cached because 100 percent of 750 MB is less than 1000 MB. The RelativeCacheSize setting is in effect and is controlling the cache size. However, the database will grow over time with the addition of more documents, revisions, and so on and will consume more memory accordingly. When the database size exceeds 1000 MB in size, the MaximumCacheSize setting will come into effect and limit the cache size to 1000 MB because 100 percent of anything over 1000 MB is greater than 1000 MB. If additional memory is made available for caching, the MaximumCacheSize setting should be adjusted upward so that the RelativeCacheSize setting becomes the effective setting again. Both settings should be considered together with the amount of installed RAM and the number of active vaults.

To configure the MaximumCacheSize setting:

  1. In Administrator, click EDM Server in the left pane. The list of active vaults appears in the right pane.
  2. Select the vault that you want to configure in the right pane.
  3. On the Action menu and select Properties. The vault’s Properties dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Advanced button. The Advanced Vault Properties dialog box appears.
  5. Adjust the MaximumCacheSize setting and click OK.

This setting can also be configured with the MaximumCacheSize registry key located at:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager TeamWork\CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\

Related concepts

Optimizing vault performance

Related tasks

Configuring the RelativeCacheSize setting

Configuring the MaximumLogSize setting

Configuring the MinimumSnapshotInterval setting

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